Main » 2011 » March » 25 » Web Services in notes 8.5.
11:59 AM Web Services in notes 8.5. |
Much has been made of lotus notes xPages functionality, which is IBMs attempt to scrabble back ground on other web technologies. In my opinion its got a long way to go, before its usable never mind a contender. This push by notes though has meant that another addition to note’s functionality has been widely over looked. This is the ability for notes databases now to provide and consume web services.
Notes has always been jealous of its data, access to it from outside of notes was always a difficult task as was injection of data into it. With the adding of web services this hardship evaporates. Already through this method I have been able to make a Java Spring web application "talk” directly with notes and attached BIRT to allow proper reporting on notes data for the first time ever! I think this is just the tip of the iceberg, and yes its notes so it isn’t perfect yet there are some functions need improving but its an infinite improvement.
To create a notes web services you first need to create a class. This class will be associated with your web services. Functions of the class will become the services operations.
Dim session As NotesSession Dim db As NotesDatabase
Class CustomersService Sub New Set session = New NotesSession Set db = session.CurrentDatabase End Sub
Function sayHello() as string
SayHello = "Hello”
End Function End Class
This class will create operation sayHello for your web service. The operation will return a string.
We next need to create the web services provider. Located under the code section of the database in domino designer. In the properties of the provider, we need to set the following:
Port type class CustomerService (i.e the name of the Class)
Port Type Name CustomerService (for wsdl)
Service Element name CustomerService (for wsdl)
Port name Domino (for wsdl)
Your web service will now be available at http://<server>/<path>/<nsf>/<web service> and wsdl at http://<server>/<path>/<nsf>/<web service>?WSDL
More Complicated WebServices
So how do we set up more complicated operations. We can wrap the functions response with other classes. This allows us to return pretty much anything we want.
Class ReportStubs Public message As String Public reportStubs() As ReportStub End Class
Class ReportStub Public reportPeriod As String End Class
Dim session As NotesSession Dim db As NotesDatabase
Class CustomersService Sub New Set session = New NotesSession Set db = session.CurrentDatabase End Sub
Function sayHello() as string
SayHello = "Hello”
End Function
Function getCustomersAvailableReports(userID As String, securityKey As String, userKey As String) As reportStubs Set getUsersAvailableReports = New ReportStubs If ( Not Me.checkSecurityKey(securityKey)) Then getUsersAvailableReports.message = "Access Denied" Exit Function End If Dim userConical As String userConical = Me.getUserConical(userID,userKey) If (userConical = "") Then getUsersAvailableReports.message = "User Invalid" Exit Function End If Dim view As NotesView Set view = db.GetView("Reports") Dim viewEntries As NotesViewEntryCollection Dim viewEntry As NotesViewEntry Set viewEntries = view.GetAllEntriesByKey(userConical ,False) Set viewEntry = viewEntries.GetFirstEntry Redim getUsersAvailableReports.reportStubs(0 To (viewEntries.Count-1)) i% = 0 While Not viewEntry Is Nothing Dim reportStub As New ReportStub reportStub.reportPeriod = viewentry.ColumnValues(1) Set getUsersAvailableReports.reportStubs(i%) = reportStub i% = i% + 1 Set viewEntry = viewEntries.GetNextEntry(viewEntry) Wend getUsersAvailableReports.message = "Success" End Function
Private Function getUserConical(userID As String, userKey As String) As String getUserConical = "The Kat" ' getUserConical = "" End Function Private Function checkSecurityKey(securityKey As String) If (securityKey = "") Then End If checkSecurityKey = True End Function End Class
As you can see this will create a operation that will accept a message of there string parameters. The response will be a complex message type as specified by classes ReportStubs and ReportStub.
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Added by: The_Kat
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