Hi guys,
I have just finished up the first phase
of the Search Engine Optimasation of Spree4.com.
I thought it may be useful to put down
my findings.
I fell into the trap of using onclick=”window.location=''” for a
lot of the in site navigation, bad times! The bread and butter of SEO
is the use of simple anchor tag links. So everywhere appropriate
should have an "a tag” even if you put the style to
color:#000000; text-decoration:none; .
Something often
missed out these days. Who needs to use Header tags on a modern
website designed using the most recent methods and practices? The web
designer who wants to SEO that's who. Put one "h1 tag” around
your main information. Then use the other tags h2 onwards to pick out
other keywords. Use style=”display:inline;font-size:1em;”
to stop the tags effecting your styling.
The keywords and
description meta tags. Need appropriate content. Simple.
Sitemaps are used by the search engines to ensure they index every
part of your site even if there are parts that aren't linked to
directly, ie they are accessed through data entry forms or results of
a search etc. The form the sitemaps take is an xml file placed in the
root of your site and referenced in your robots.txt. They take the
Again goto town if the page exists and doesn't need to be logged in
to access it put it in your sitemap. Once done don't wait for them to
find it submit them to the search engines.
Also make a simple sitemap page on your site like here.
Its useful for the users of the site and adds a few sneaky links onto
your site.
Seems stupid but
make sure there is a decent amount of content on your pages. In an
age of Image rich websites its easy to leave off keyword rich text
content. See new Spree4 news on the homepage here.